2012年12月10日 星期一

Fangie Chaodan( Tomato fry egg)

 Fangie Chaodan is a very popular dish in Taiwan. Everyone loves this dish mixed into steamed rice. This is one of my favorite dishes too. I will tell you an easy way of how to make fangie chaodan.

Ingredients :
2 tomatoes,  4 eggs,  2 sticks  of green onion,  some rocky candy, 1 teaspoon of salt.

1.Heat tomatoes by boiling water to remove the outer skin.
2.Slice tomatoes to cube and chop green onion into small cube also.Add 1 teaspoon water to eggs juice and stir to bubble like.
3.Preheat a medium pot and fry eggs juice into semi solidified then load to a container.
4.Preheat oil , mix white part of green onion to  vaporize fragrant , slow down tomatoes cubes and rocky candy, slow fire makes the tomatoes juice out.It will take around 3 mintues.
5.Mix semi solidified eggs , green part of green onion and a teaspoon of salt.
6.we have done this dish all.

1.The last step will be salt before loading.
2.Mixing act of eggs juice must be quick to avoid becoming egg blocks.

