2012年5月7日 星期一

The best toasted sausage i have~~~

This street toasted stand is located in Wulai. It starts at 10 am every morning. But, if you want to taste it, you shall take a line at 9.30 am, 30 mins before opening. Because it is one of the  popular stands  in the Wulai street. The stuffing of the sausage is made by wild pork meat, onion and black pepper. The specialty of wild pork meat is chewier than reared pork meat. They were sprinkled by the native tribe hunters.

For this reason, if you want to taste this delicious toasted sausage ,you shall arrive end of the Wulai old street and lineup before tasting it. Then you have 2 options, 100NTD for 3 or 35 NTD for each~~~

