2015年2月23日 星期一

Enjoy the nature of Liyu Lake , Hulian ....Walking, Biking , Kayaking and eating


Liyu Lake is located at the foot of Liyu Mountain, in Shoufeng Township's Chinan Village, the biggest inland lake in Hualien, 18 kilometers from Hualien City, around 1.6 kilometers in length and 930 meters in width. The original inhabitants called it "Dapo", while the Ami called it "Banao". It was later named Liyu Lake (Carp Lake) after Liyu Mountain, located by its east banks.

According to geological research,  the Gutonglan River located between Liyu Mountain, Tongmen Mountain and Mugua Mountain. All of Wenlan River, Lao River, Baibao River and Pinghe River were all branches of the Gutonglan River, and the current location of Liyu Lake is erosion of the Gutonglan River and river-capture phenomenon occurred among the Pinghe River, Baibao River,  the Lao River and Baibao River. This caused the Lao River to change direction, and the waters of the Gutonglan River decreased. In addition, the crumbling of the alluvial fan of the Wenlan River to the north of Liyu Lake resulted in  Liyu Lake’s outlet was blocked. At the end, the gushing of the Lao River's subterranean drainage has resulted poor-drain-aged of  lake that is  the present Liyu Lake.

What did we enjoy in Liyu Lake?


Walking around Liyu Lake is joyful experience. Big grass field between Tourist Information Center to lakeside, toddlers playing in the ground, some sakura blossoms along lakeside. 

Some pathways in various directions , we choosed  some we like to walk and rest in wooden chairs as well. Even more, you could walk around along whole lakeside, 5 kilometers in total, might take you one to two hours to enjoy the scenery.


Biking along lakeside is another awesome idea also, just 5 kilometers long. Even being a couch potato as me, I could do it easily with pleasure. Many renting stores are available 

It only took me around 40 minutes to finish biking along lakeside, by the way, I stopped to take pictures from time to time. See, that is easy.  And the renting price is unbelievably friendly, 100NTD(around 35 NSD) for whole day . If you like , biking to a public domestic forest park nearby is good option too. It is just another 5 kilometers away.


Kayaking is not very popular in Taiwan.  because of rainfall focuses in summers when typhoon coming and rivers are all steep, both reasons make extremely unstable river flow . Kayaking is dangerous in most of rivers. But here is different, can you see the tender and peaceful water in lake? 

The kayaking course cost 300 NTD( 10 USD)/1 hour/ single seat , 500 NTD( 17 USD) /1 hour / double seats. All suits and equipment are included, coaching is included also. 5 kids and uncle Kim were ready to go........

GO!  GO!!  GO!!!!! 


Since here is remote area of Hualien city, so we didn't have many options. But still an aboriginal restaurant was available  on lakeside, treehouse".  They provide various choices, we choosed 10 dishes for 10 person sharing suits, 2000 NTD( 70 USD) , friendly price as well. I couldn't take other dishes pictures before others took out their chock-sticks . We were so hungry............... HAHAHAHA.......


